SQL Server Aggregate Functions

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about the SQL Server aggregate functions and how to use them to calculate aggregates.

An aggregate function operates on a set of values and returns a single value. In practice, you often use aggregate functions with the GROUP BY clause and HAVING clause to aggregate values within groups.

The following table shows the most commonly used SQL Server aggregate functions:

Aggregate functionDescription
AVGCalculate the average of non-NULL values in a set of values.
CHECKSUM_AGGCalculate a checksum value based on a group of rows.
COUNTReturn the number of rows in a group that satisfy a condition.
COUNT(*)Return the number of rows from a table, which meets a certain condition.
COUNT(DISTINCT)Return the number of unique values in a column that meets a certain condition.
COUNT IFShow you how to use the COUNT function with the IIF function to form a COUNT IF function that returns the total number of values based on a condition.
COUNT_BIGThe COUNT_BIG() function returns the number of rows (with BIGINT data type) in a group, including rows with NULL values.
MAXReturn the highest value (maximum) in a set of non-NULL values.
MINReturn the lowest value (minimum) in a set of non-NULL values.
STDEVCalculate the sample standard deviation of a set of values.
STDEVPReturn the population standard deviation of a set of values.
SUMReturn the summation of all non-NULL values in a set.
SUM IFUse the SUM function with the IIF function to form a SUM IF function that returns the total of values based on a condition.
STRING_AGG Concatenate strings by a specified separator
VARReturn the sample variance of a set of values.
VARPReturn the population variance of a set of values.

SQL Server aggregate function syntax

Here’s is the general syntax of an aggregate function:

aggregate_function_name( [DISTINCT | ALL] expression)Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

In this syntax:

  • First, specify the name of an aggregate function that you want to use such as AVG, SUM, and MAX.
  • Second, use DISTINCT to apply aggregate distinct values in a set; or use the ALL option to apply the aggregate function to all values including duplicates.
  • Third, specify the expression which can be a column of a table or an expression that consists of multiple columns with arithmetic operators.

SQL Server aggregate function examples

We will use the products table from the sample database for the demonstration.


The AVG function example

The following statement uses the AVG() function to return the average list price of all products in the products table:

    AVG(list_price) avg_product_price
    production.products;Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

The following shows the output:

1520.591401Code language: CSS (css)

Because the list price is in USD, it should have at most two decimal places. Therefore, you need to round the result to a number with two decimal places.

To achieve this, you use the ROUND and CAST functions as demonstrated in the following query:

    CAST(ROUND(AVG(list_price),2) AS DEC(10,2))
    production.products;Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)


1520.59Code language: CSS (css)

In this query:

  • First, the ROUND function returns the rounded average list price.
  • Then the CAST function converts the result to a decimal number with two decimal places.

The COUNT function example

The following statement uses the COUNT() function to return the number of products whose price is greater than 500:

    COUNT(*) product_count
    list_price > 500;Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)



In this example:

  • First, the WHERE clause gets products whose list price is greater than 500.
  • Second, the COUNT function returns the number of products with list prices greater than 500.

The MAX function example

The following statement uses the MAX() function to return the highest list price of all products:

    MAX(list_price) max_list_price
    production.products;Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)


11999.99Code language: CSS (css)

The MIN function example

Similarly, the following statement uses the MIN() function to return the lowest list price of all products:

    MIN(list_price) min_list_price
    production.products;     Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)


89.99Code language: CSS (css)

The SUM function example

To demonstrate the SUM() function, we will use the stocks table from the sample database.

The following statement uses the SUM() function to calculate the total stock by product id in all warehouses:

    SUM(quantity) stock_count
    stock_count DESC;Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

The following picture shows the partial output:

SQL Server Aggregate Functions - SUM function example

How the statement works:

  • First, the GROUP BY clause summarized the rows by product id into groups.
  • Second, the SUM() function calculated the sum of quantity for each group.

The STDEV function example

The following statement uses the STDEV() function to calculate the statistical standard deviation of all list prices:

    CAST(ROUND(STDEV(list_price),2) as DEC(10,2)) stdev_list_price
    production.products;Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)


1612.15Code language: CSS (css)


  • Aggregate functions operate on rows and return a single row.
  • Use aggregate functions with the GROUP BY clause to aggregate values within groups.
  • Use the AVG() function to calculate the average of values.
  • Use the SUM() function to calculate the total of values.
  • Use the COUNT() function to count the number of values in a column.
  • Use the MIN() function to get the minimum value in a set.
  • Use the MAX() function to get the maximum value in a set.