SQL Server Indexes

SQL Server Indexes

Indexes are special data structures associated with tables or views that help speed up the query. SQL Server provides two types of indexes: clustered index and non-clustered index.

In this section, you will learn everything you need to know about indexes to come up with a good index strategy and optimize your queries.

  • Clustered indexes – introduction to clustered indexes and learn how to create clustered indexes for tables.
  • Create nonclustered indexes – learn how to create non-clustered indexes using the CREATE INDEX statement.
  • Rename indexes – replace the current index name with the new name using sp_rename stored procedure and SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Disable indexes – show you how to disable indexes of a table to make the indexes ineffective.
  • Enable indexes – learn various statements to enable one or all indexes on a table.
  • Unique indexes – enforce the uniqueness of values in one or more columns.
  • Drop indexes – describe how to drop indexes from one or more tables.
  • Indexes with included columns – guide you on how to add non-key columns to a nonclustered index to improve the speed of queries.
  • Filtered indexes – learn how to create an index on a portion of rows in a table.
  • Indexes on computed columns – walk you through how to simulate function-based indexes using the indexes on computed columns.